
I wrote this because many classmates and friends had little to no experience with Python before the MATH-340 class. Programming in Python (and in general) will make much more sense if you pay special attention to tidiness, syntax and semantics (what does things mean). In many Java and C++ classes I'd see poorly formatted code, making projects basically impossible for me to read and understand let alone the person who wrote it. But in Python we must be tidy, the syntax requires it. Python is a rare language where whitespace actually matters (every control block must be consistently indented). And lastly, because Python is a language which does not ask much of us as programmers (i.e. dynamically typed) we actually should be more careful in understanding what we're writing and how things change.

And like any other language, programming or spoken, Python just takes practice and time.


Setting up Python and Jupyter can be tricky depending on your operating system and yourfamiliarity with software packages in general. Although the prospect of switching to a Linux system may sound a bit daunting, in reality it can be significantly easier than trying to get things set up on Windows (but MacOS feels the same as Linux). So consider running a Linux distribution like Antegros under a virtual machine on Windows.


Arch (Antegros)

pacman -S python2 python2-pip

Now we have python and the python package manager (equivalent to pacman) installed.

pip install pygments

Now its important to note that pacman will want to controll the installation of a lot of python packages, in particular will be the pygments package we just install via pip.

pacman -S --assume-install python-pygments jupyter-notebook

First, some programming terms...

Function A function is often like a black box to which we give some information, and which then does something useful in return. Functions in Python are recognizable due to the pair of parenthesis that follow the name.

> 3

The parenthesis denote the parameter list. Parameters (or arguments) are how we provide a functions information, although functions don't always require parameters.

exit() # exiting a python environment

A very common function is the print function, which accepts values that it in turn prints to the user.

print("Hello world!")
> Hello world!

We can consider many function to be black boxes because we expect them to do something useful but don't necessarily care how they do it. More importantly though is functions allow us to add functionality without adding lines of code. A very important pattern to recognize is when code starts to repeat, it's probably time to replace it with a function instead. It's just important to recognize how a function looks. Writing functions will be later.

Declaration A declaration is a statement which defines what kind of thing a "label" is; is it a variable, or a function, or something else? What is its type, or what does it return? Does it have access or scope limitations?

But in Python, out of all these things, scope is really all that's relevant. Basically you can't use something (a variable or function) until you've said it exists, this is true in all languages. And where things exist matter: does it exist for the entirety of our program or only the "scope" of a function? And that's about it. In Python we don't say what type a variable is and instead variables take on whatever types they're given. There's also no access restriction in Python, and function return types don't have to be know in advance (i.e. declared). A function can even return multiple different types.

Scope Where things exist is important in programming. Most common is the global scope. Something is in the global scope when it is accessible anywhere throughout the program. Something is in a local scope when it is defined within a block (e.g. inside of a function or a decision like an if statement or a loop). What this means is that local variables that exist inside of a function are inaccessible outside of the function, and more-or-less stop existing entirely. But global variables are accessible everywhere. For example:

a1 = "Hello"
def foo():
b1 = "World!"
> Hello
> World!

Works because both a1 and b1 exist in the global scope. So accessing them from inside of the function foo is valid, even when foo was defined before the variable b1 was. However

def foo():
    a2, b2 = "Hello", "World!"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-3-ddb071cc9d1f> in <module>()
> 2     a2, b2 = "Hello", "World!"
> 3
> ----> 4 print(a2)
> 5 print(b2)
> NameError: name 'a2' is not defined

Fails because a2 (and b2) is not defined outside the scope of the function.

Definition A definition happens to be a declaration where the label is given a definitive implementation beyond its declaration. This isn't relevant to Python though, because there's no way to separate the declaration of functions from the definition of functions, but for C++ is critical. Consider

int foo(); // a function declaration (but not definition)

int bar() { return 0; } // a function definition (and necessarily declaration)

bar(); // works
foo(); // Error: Undefined symbol foo

Initialization When a variable's state become "defined", i.e. the first time a variable holds an actual value, and not a null-value (null meaning undefined).

Assignment When a variable is made to hold a different value. This can be the same thing as the initialization, which would be referred to as initialization assignment.

a = 10 # initialization assignment
a = 20 # regular assignment (because a already exists)

Values and types

A value is simply some information. The integer 7 is a value, an integer value. In a language like C++ we might consider it to be a specific kind of integer value, perhaps an unsigned integer, and maybe it has a size specification as well: is it 8-bit wide (a character or char), 16, 32, 64, or bigger? But once the computer understands that the value is a number it acknowledges that it can do things to that value, like use it in mathematical statements. If a value is a "string" (a sequence of characters) then the computer will acknowledge that it can join it with another string or perhaps get a single character at a specific index.

Type information is not required in Python in the same way it is in C++ or Java. But this doesn't make understanding and paying attention to types any less important in Python. I would argue that understanding types is actually more critical to being an effective Python programmer than it is for C++ for Java because in Java and C++ types are necessary and obvious. In Python types can change making it much more difficult and necessary to keep track of types throughout the lifespan of values. When values fail to interact in the way we want, unexpected types are a likely culprit.

print(1, type(1))
print(4.2, type(4.2))
print("Hello", type("Hello"))
> (1, <type 'int'>)
> (4.2, <type 'float'>)
> ('Hello', <type 'str'>)


In C++ or Java variable declarations require a type

int a = 7;

But not in Python

a = 7
> 7

In C++ and Java we can't change the type of a variable

int a = 7;
a = "Hello"; // error

But in Python we can assign a new value to a variable even if it's a different value than the one the variable is already holding on to

a = 7
a = "Hello"
> 7
> Hello


We've already seen how assignment works, but a special feature of Python is multiple assignment.

a, b = "swap", "me"

a, b = b, a
> swap
> me
> me
> swap

It works by treating whatever is on the right side of the assignment operator as a new temporary object, storing each coma separated expression as a part of the object. Each expression needs to be evaluated before the temporary object can be assembled. And when everything is evaluated and the temporary object created, then the values in it are unpacked and assigned piecemeal to whatever is on the left of the assignment operator in left-to-right order. The first thing on the right is assigned to the first thing on the left, etc.

This makes swapping values absolutely trivial; no need for a temporary variable like in C++

int a = 1;
int b = 2;

// now to swap
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

One very poignant example is the generating the Fibonacci sequence, which you can find in the functions section at the end.

Decision structures

But first...

Boolean expressions

Anyone familiar with programming or classic logic is familiar with boolean values, TRUE and FALSE. In Python these two values are expressed as the keywords True and False. But actually, basically all values in Python behave like boolean values. For just about everything, as long as the value isn't None, it's a True value. If it is None then it's equivalent to False. For numbers, 0 is False and anything else is True, even negative numbers:


> True
> True
> True
> True
> False
> False
> False
> False

if, elif and else

Your standard decision structure keywords. The most important syntactic different between Python and most other languages is that whitespace is syntactically significant when it comes to blocks of code. The body of an if statement (or a function, or a loop) is determined by the indent level. We can see this in all the following examples:

if True:
    print("This will print (1)")
    print("This wont print (2)")
> This will print (1)
if not True:
    print("This wont print (1)")
    print("This will print (2)")
> This will print (2)
if False:
    print("This will not print (1)")
elif True:
    print("This will print (2)")
    print("This will not print (3)")
> This will print (2)


The while loop

Functionally identical to basically any other language.

flag = True

while flag:
    print("This will loop and print only once")
    flag = False
> This will loop and print only once

Unlike some languages there is no do-until type of loop in Python, with its condition evaluation at the end of the loop body.

The for loop

Unlike many other languages the for loop in Python is entirely range-based. There's no way to manually increment a counter variable like in C++:

int arr[5] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    cout << arr[i] << '\n';

Instead in Python you must rely on generator functions which create a range of values to iterate over

arr = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

for i in range(len(arr)):
> 0
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4

Conveniently the syntax remains consistent over the variety of objects you could iterate over, and there is the extremely useful function enumerate which provides the numerical index value of where you are in the object you're iterating

arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

for v in arr:

for i, v in enumerate(arr):
    print("index={} value={}".format(i, v))
> a
> b
> c
> d
> e
> index=0 value=a
> index=1 value=b
> index=2 value=c
> index=3 value=d
> index=4 value=e


Lists are to Python as arrays are to Java or C++ in that they are contiguous containers, but without fixed size and without the homogeneous type restrictions of statically typed languages. For example:

arr = [ 1, 2, "three", "four", 5.0, 6.01 ]

for v in arr:
    print("value: {:<6} type: {}".format(v, type(v)))
> value: 1      type: <type 'int'>
> value: 2      type: <type 'int'>
> value: three  type: <type 'str'>
> value: four   type: <type 'str'>
> value: 5.0    type: <type 'float'>
> value: 6.01   type: <type 'float'>

List comprehensions

An incredibly useful feature included in Python are list comprehensions. It provides a syntactically simple way to populate a list by way of a for loop.

# Compare this...
arr = [None]*10
for i in range(10):
    arr[i] = i*2


# To this
arr = [i*2 for i in range(10)]
> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

Basically any kind of for loop you can devise you can also use to populate a list via a list comprehension. A good example are populating multidimensional lists...

Multi-dimensional lists

Consider wanting a five-by-five, two-dimensional array in C++

int arr[5][5];

And if we wanted to populate this array with the integers 1, 2, 3 to 25

for (size_t y = 0; y < 5; ++y)
    for (size_t x = 0; x < 5; ++x)
        arr[y][x] = x+y*5;

This is just as achievable in Python, and using the same method, as demonstrated:

arr = [None]*5
for i in range(5):
    arr[i] = [None]*5

for y in range(5):
    for x in range(5):
        arr[y][x] = 1+x+y*5

pprint(arr) # pretty print (imported)
> [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
> [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
> [11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
> [16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
> [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]

But the initialization of the size on the first 3 lines is really unnecessary; I only did it to draw more of a parallel to the array declaration in C++. A more Pythonean way to initialize this list might be with list comprehensions which will populate the list and size definition just follows from the population:

arr = [[1+x+y*5 for x in range(5)] for y in range(5)]

> [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
> [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
> [11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
> [16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
> [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]

List comprehensions syntactically are essentially just for loops inside of brackets. It can be confusing but the levels of nested loops in list comprehensions grows from outside-in, from right to left. In the example, for every time y is a single value from 0 to 4 the other variable x iterates over every value from 0 to 4.


Writing functions allows us to encapsulate some functionality into a single label, which is most useful when we want to do something repeatedly. When you see yourself duplicating code it's usually a sign that a function would be useful.

Function syntax is as follows:

def function_name(arguments):
    # Function body
    return # Or leave out

Functions in Python do not require any types for anything at all; a function which is supposed to return nothing simply lacks a return statement. Unlike many languages, functions in Python can return different types. This probably isn't such a good thing as its an occasional convenience. If you've written one function to return different values at different times it's probably a smarter idea to split this one function into two functions instead. This might save some frustration later in the development process.

The only time I frequently use multiple return types is when a function needs to either return a list or nothing:

def foo(a):
    if a > 0:
        return list(range(a))
    return None

> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
> None
> None

This isn't uncommon in most other languages, where None often behaves like a null-value.

Here's an example of a function which generates the Fibonacci sequence to n numbers. It uses the keyword yield, turning the function into what's known as a Generator; these are used in particular with Python for loops, as the function will "yield" each value to the for loop until it's done yielding values entirely (in this case it's done when we've generated the n Fibonacci numbers we wanted). We'll use the function as a part of a list comprehension, and then print out the list of Fibonacci numbers.

def fib_gen(n):
    a, b = 1, 1
    for i in range(n):
        yield a
        a, b = b, a+b

> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Hopefully this demonstrates the capabilities of Python to do a whole lot of things in a short number of characters/lines of code.