#games tag pages


Stationeers (on steam) is a pretty complex space engineering game; much more so than a lot of what else is out there. Constructing a single structure involves several steps. For example, constructing an autolathe involves welding on iron sheets, fixing cables, welding on plastic sheets, and then using a wrench. Here I've compiled some of my own resources, notes and tutorials.

World of Warcraft

These days I don't play much WoW, but when I do I only play on private legacy servers like Nostalrius (RIP) and Elysium. Private servers run older versions of the game, as you would have played years ago when those versions were considered "live" and "retail". The demand for these kinds of servers appears to me to be growing. Nostalrius and Elysium are "Vanilla" servers; that is they run the very first, original, expansion of the game (specifically for client version 1.12).