Numerical Matrix Analysis

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Let $z=a+bi$ be a scalar with $a,b\in\Z$. Its complex conjugate $z^\ast$ is obtained by negating $b$ (if $b=0$ then $z$ is real and $z=z^\ast$): $$ z^\ast = a-bi. $$

Now let $A$ be a scalar $m\times n$ matrix: Its hermitian conjugate (or adjoint) $A^\ast$ is the $n\times m$ matrix with ${ij}^\text{th}$ entry is the complex conjugate of the ${ji}^\text{th}$ entry of $A$ (i.e. of the form $a^\ast_{ij}=(a_{ji})^\ast={a_{ji}}^\ast$): In the case that $A$ is an all-real matrix, then the adjoint of $A$ is simply the transpose of $A$ (i.e. $A^\ast=A^T$). Furthermore, if $A=A^\ast$ then $A$ is hermitian, and by definition must be a square matrix. (If $A$ all-real hermitian, $A=A^T$, and $A$ is said to be symmetric.)

Inner products

An inner product is a binary operation over a vector space which associates to a pair o