A ring is a nonempty set $R$ equipped with two operations (usually written as addition and multiplication) that satisfy the following axioms. For all $a,b,c\in R$:
A commutative ring is a ring $R$ that satisfies:
A ring with unity/identity is a ring $R$ that contains an element $1_R$ satisfying:
An integral domain is a commutative ring $R$ with identity $1_R\neq 0_R$ that satisfies:
A field is a commutative ring $R$ with identity $1_R\neq0_R$ that satisfies:
Let $R$ and $S$ be rings. Define addition and multiplication on the Cartesian product $R\times S$ by:
$(r,s)+(r',s')=(r+r',s+s')$ and $(r,s)(r',s')=(rr',ss')$
Then $R\times S$ is a ring. If $R$ and $S$ are both commutative, then so is $R\times S$. If both $R$ and $S$ have an identity (additive and multiplicative?), then so does $R\times S$.
Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $S$ is a subset of $R$ such that
An element $a$ in a ring $R$ with identity is called a unit if there exists $u\in R$ such that $au=1_R=ua$. In this case the element $u$ is called the (multiplicative) inverse of $a$ and is denoted $a^{-1}$.
An element $a$ in a ring $R$ is a zero divisor provided that:
If $a+b=a+c$ in a ring $R$, then $b=c$.
For any elements $a$ and $b$ of a ring $R$:
Let $S$ be a nonempty subset of a ring $R$ such that
Then $S$ is a subring of $R$.
Cancellation is valid in any integral domain $R$: If $a\neq 0_R$ and $ab=ac$ in $R$, then $b=c$.
Every field $F$ is an integral domain.
Every finite integral domain $R$ is a field.
To summarize terms:
Injective | All domain values mapped Non-injective | Not all domain values mapped Surjective | All co-domain values represented Non-surjective | Not all co-domain values represented Bijective | Both injective and surjective
Suppose $R$ and $S$ are rings and $\phi$ is a function that maps $R$ to $S$ ($\phi:R\rightarrow S$ ). $\phi$ is an isomorphism if for all $a,b\in R$:
Another way of stating bijection would be:
Intuitively for a function to be bijective an inverse isomorphic function must also exist.
However many functions exists which satisfy the third condition but are not bijective. These can be called homomorphisms. Thus every isomorphism is really a homomorphism with bijection.
Letting $\phi:R\rightarrow S$ be a homomorphism of rings, then
If $R$ is a ring with identity and $\phi$ is surjective, then
Fix $F[x]$ a field for this section.
{% include tooltip.html text="Definition ?" content=" $a(x),b(x)\in F[x]$ are associates if $a(x)=cb(x)$ for some non-zero $c\in F[X]$, such that:
$$ a(x)=cb(x) \Leftrightarrow c^{-1}a(x)=b(x) $$ " %}
{% include tooltip.html text="Definition ?" content=" $a(x)\in F[x]$ is irreducible if $\deg(a(x))>0$ (positive) and if whenever $a(x)=b(x)c(x)$ then $b(x)$ or $c(x)$ is a unit. " %}
{% include tooltip.html text="Theorem 4.12" content=" The following are equivalent:
{% include tooltip.html text="Theorem 4.14" content=" Every non-constant $a(x)\in F[x]$ can be written in the form:
$$ a(x)=p_1(x)p_2(x)\cdots p_n(x) $$
Where $\forall i\in\N$, $p_i(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial. Moreover, this expression is unique up-to reordering and unit multiples. " %}
$\circ$ | $I$ | $r_1$ | $r_2$ | $r_3$ | $R_1$ | $R_2$ |
$I$ | $I$ | $r_1$ | $r_2$ | $r_3$ | $R_1$ | $R_2$ |
$r_1$ | $r_1$ | |||||
$r_2$ | $r_2$ | |||||
$r_3$ | $r_3$ | |||||
$R_1$ | $R_1$ | |||||
$R_2$ | $R_2$ |